Mystical Principles

Monthly Archives: September 2018

As a human if you were given your choice and the opportunity to improve the world and were given ten suggestions you would sit down for hours and mull it out and come forth with ten great ideas to improve the world. Spiritual perception tells you there is nothing that can be improved. You are living in the universe of perfection now and only your consciousness of spirit as your identity. Only… Read More

The Wisdoms today give us an opportunity to have a fairly comprehensive review of everything that has gone before in this book, “The Infinite Way.” We have studied Immortality, The Christ, The Soul, Our Real Existence, Prayer, Meditation, Metaphysical Healing. And now in the Wisdoms Joel has strung together a necklace of pearls. In the original “Infinite Way,” these pearls of wisdom did not appear. That is back in 1949 when it… Read More